Topic 1 - Understanding phenotypic and genetic diversity in neuromuscular disorders
Topic 2 - Pathobiology of neuromuscular expansion disorders
Topic 3 - The effect of lifestyle, exercise and nutrition on neuromuscular pathology and outcomes
Each day a plenary session will be dedicated to the selected topics. Speakers will summarise the state of the field on the selected topics, covering clinical, molecular and other aspects.
WMS EDI Statement: The World Muscle Society is committed to creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for researchers and clinicians to learn, share ideas, and promote translational science for the benefit of patients with neuromuscular disorders. As such, the WMS Programme Committee encourages all speakers and attendees, to use respectful language, to consider the diverse backgrounds, culture, and native language of our membership, and reflect on the diversity and inclusion in their presented work and its impact on the generalisability of findings for all patients with neuromuscular disorders.
Programme Key:
I = Invited Speaker
O/LBO = Selected Oral Presentation/Late Breaking Selected Oral Presentation
P/LBP = Poster Presentation/Late Breaking Poster Presentation (on display at the venue and on the virtual platform)
VP/LBVP = Virtual Poster Presentation/ Late Breaking Virtual Poster Presentation (on display on the virtual platform and on ePoster boards at the venue)
See here for further information on the different types of poster presentation
Please note, all times stated in the programme are in Local Charleston, SC, USA (EST) time.